Sunday, April 28, 2013

It's Usually Not as Easy as They Make it Look

I love being able to find instructions and videos for random DIY projects on the Internet. However, after tackling a wide variety of projects, it's become abundantly clear that what you need to know to finish the job is often what they gloss over or edit out.

I suppose there's something to be said for making it look easy, but the reality is that it often isn't. However, if you know ahead of time what the trouble spots are, sometimes you can avoid them entirely. And if you can't, at least you know what you're really in for and have some idea how to work through the problems.

That's what this blog is about: highlighting the "gotchas" you're likely to encounter when tackling assorted DIY projects. Read the instructions and watch those slick videos, then come here to get the "dirt" on your next DIY adventure.

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